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FruitFeed 6-16-12

Fruit Feed+

Fruit Feed+ (8-20-16) is specifically formulated to support plants during their critical fruiting and flowering stages. The formula includes:

  • Nitrogen (8%): Provides just enough nitrogen to support healthy foliage without promoting excessive vegetative growth, ensuring the plant's energy is directed towards flower and fruit development.
  • Phosphorus (20%): High phosphorus content is essential for strong root systems and enhances flower and fruit production, promoting abundant blooms and high-quality fruit set.
  • Potassium (16%): Ensures overall plant health and vigor, improving disease resistance, water regulation, and the development of firm, flavorful, and high-quality fruits.

The specific ratios of 8-20-16 are designed to provide plants with the essential nutrients needed during the fruiting and flowering phases, leading to bountiful and high-quality yields.

Maximized Flower and Fruit Development:

High phosphorus content (20%) supports strong root systems and maximizes flower and fruit yield, ensuring abundant blooms and high-quality fruit set.

Enhanced Fruit Quality:

Potassium (16%) improves disease resistance, water regulation, and the development of firm, flavorful, and healthy fruits.

Efficient Nutrient Uptake:

Our chelating agent ensures essential nutrients are readily available and absorbed efficiently, leading to robust plant health during critical fruiting and flowering stages.

Available In:
1-lb. (Bag)
5-lb. (Bag)
30-lb. (Bag)
2000-lb. (Pallet)